Friday, July 2, 2010


Wow. I was so close to completing a full month of compliments, and then I just let this week slide. I had hoped to do one BIG post yesterday, highlighting the ways that Canadians express their national pride through their clothes (or lack thereof?), and get out and enjoy the city, but things just didn't work out that way.

I've been fairly hermit-like this week, and tonight am heading back home to help my mom with a wedding. I've realized through this process that sometimes I have to MAKE myself be aware of the people around me - that it doesn't always just come naturally to see something that I appreciate, and say something about it. And I've realized that I don't get out there and interact with the world as much as I'd thought. Especially when I'm trying to stay on budget and brown-bag my lunches!

Moving forward, I want to keep this project going. I think it's been a great exercise in self-awareness, and really has the ability to pick me up when I'm having a bad day. And I hope that I've been able to do that for the strangers that I've complimented as well. I don't know that I'll do it every day. I'm not sure that's really realistic for me right now, as much as I want to. So at the moment, my little project is undergoing a metamorphosis of sorts, and I'm not quite sure what kind of butterfly it will become.

Stay tuned....

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