Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Cold Wind Blows

For all of us who aren't anticipating a winter retreat into the south somewhere here are some photos to inspire your winter wear. I'm not huge into bulking up with scarf, mittens, parka, boots, etc etc etc. How many layers are you supposed to WEAR to keep warm in this flippin' city?? I always feel like a kid who walks around like a mummy with his snowsuit on. You know it, where their arms are outstretched and cant really move because of all the clothes on, and then they start crying because they're overheated from all the dressing before they even get to play. Never gets old.

Karen from wheredidugetthat has such wonderful taste and always switches up her style. Here are some photos that showcase her take on NYC winter wear. Clearly, we can only take certain elements for our everyday purpose. For myself, 4" heels on the daily isn't realistic, nor do I enjoy crushed velvet. Everyone's different. Take what suits your lifestyle. You CAN be warm and look cute. No need for halter tops in February. That I'm firm on.

Grab some baggier jeans, throw some leggings on underneath, a really warm jacket that you love, some chunky knit sweaters and buy some cute (cheap) mittens at h&m. No need to be prancing around in a snowstorm, broadcasting your desire for warmer weather via your leather bomber jacket.

S. xo


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