Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Curly Sue

Ok, so I'm about 99.99% sure her name wasn't Sue. BUT, she had the loveliest curly hair, and it was very natural looking - not crunchy and over product-y like many women with curly hair often are.

I had spent happy hour on a patio with a girlfriend, talking about the city in general, boys, work, and my blog. We finished our drinks and as I was crossing the street, saw "Sue" sitting there. I was so excited, because I'd seen her walk by with her friend earlier, and commented on her hair (and her super cute trench coat), so I knew I had to talk to her.

As many women would do, when I told her she had beautiful hair, she said "You can HAVE it!" - I guess the grass is always greener, as I'm so envious of women with hair like hers. My poker straight hair will never have the volume and styling options that hers surely must! I asked if I could take her picture for my blog, and she asked what it was all about. It was interesting to see that she was the first of the strangers (almost 14 now?) to really ask what I was writing about. An interesting perspective for sure, because for all those other people know, I could very well be writing about how ridiculous they look, and just using the compliments as a front.

So, with my intentions known and her permission, I snapped a photo of Curly Sue and her friend (I bet she HATES being called that...I'm so sorry!), and off we went.

Oh, and I want to give honourable mention to the guy sitting across from us on the patio, who just moved here from Edmonton. I have a whole new perspective on talking to strangers, and I found it refreshing that he so comfortably spoke to us without really interrupting or being creepy. And when he walked by again later, he waved at us. Ahhh...A breath of fresh air!

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