Friday, June 25, 2010

A picture is worth a thousand words...

...which is why today's post (about yesterday) will be about a thousand words short! I managed, in my brilliance, to forget my camera at HOME!

And besides, I couldn't use the title "who's your daddy?" twice in the same week. The man I complimented yesterday was out for a walk with his adorable daughter in a stroller. I complimented him on his sunglasses, but he looked really great despite being dressed so simply. Great jeans, plain t-shirt, flippy floppies (I'm on a boat...). I don't know what it is about a guy in jeans a flip flops, but it does it for me!

When I put the question to him about what he thinks when a stranger (a FEMALE stranger) compliments him, he pointed directly to his wedding ring. He said that he wouldn't assume that the compliment was anything more than just that, because the ring is a bit of a flirtation deterrent!

We chatted a bit more, about how gorgeous his 19 month old daughter is, he smiled, thanked me and went on his way. What's the male equivalent of a Yummy Mummy?

Today's entry is likely going to be saved for tonight - I'm going out with the girls, and I want to extend my "manpliment" experiment to the bar scene to see if it's possible to compliment a guy on a Friday night without him trying to get into your pants...

What do you think? Does the social implication of the bar scene/meat market completely negate a woman's ability to compliment a guy without flirting?

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